Forums - Darkstalkers3 does anyone still play? If so READ! Show all 9 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Darkstalkers3 does anyone still play? If so READ! ( Posted by Darklome on 10:10:2001 03:18 AM: Darkstalkers3 does anyone still play? If so READ! y'know before I actually start let me give a little insight on where I stand with Darkstalkers ....Darkstalkers is like hella old now but what the's all good I still routinely play the game and I never get bored of it... A while back there was a thread about darkstalkers and jchensor was like spreading his wisdom and I was like no way!! I ended up learning a few things like you can connect Litlith's Illuminous Illusion with her EX special throw (the one where her wings catapult you) I was like amazed from what I found...and a while back I checked jchensor combo archives, downloaded a couple CvS vids and saw how morrigan was played...I was like cool, lets try it out on Darkstalkers 3 and y'know what? Most of the chains could be done on Darkstalkers 3 too... An example was Moriggan's roundhouse kick, it caused four hits on it's own but it could be buffered into Darkness Illusion...I had no idea that could be done, so then I started experimenting with the hk, I did chain combos and finished it with hk to Darkness Ilusion, I also found out that Valkyrie Turn, the super where Morrigan flys off the screen and comes back on the other side with a very very sharp end)could also be chained with hk, then buffered into Darkness Illusion...also...her other super Finishing Shower could be chained with Darkness Illusion but the opponent had to be very close, not to mention her Finishing Shower could also be connected with the Cryptic Needle super...but a little insight from jchensor got me thinking...and ever since I haven't stopped trying to figure out somethin' new...I did find out how to manage pulling off a 62 hit combo with Morrigan which is like my all time highest in that game...but I want get into it, basically I started this thread to see if anyone at all shared the same feelings I do about the game...its hella old but I honestly believe there are more things to find yeah...if you have any tips or strats on Darkstalkers 3 please don't hesitate to share like...I just talked about Morrigan and I bet there's someone else out there that has more to say on the subject, plus I could say more about the other seventeen characters as well but this is getting too yeah if anyone has any Darkstalkers nostalgia and wants to talk about memories I'm all ears Posted by mynus on 10:10:2001 05:21 AM: Darkstalkers is too good! i used to play hard core before MvC2 pm me if you got questions laterz Posted by dredgulus on 10:10:2001 07:57 AM: Finally, someone with the same fews about this game as I. To me this game shows what CAPCOM has done right in the past. When asked about my favorite 2D fighters, this one is at the top of my list. Here is a Demitri combo: EX Bat Spin> EX Demon Cradle> EX Hell's Ride(pursuit) OR Ex Bat Spin> Midnight Pleasure> EX Hell's Ride (the whole combo doesn't register, but the damage is insane). What really makes me like this game is, everything that CAPCOM is doing now started in this game one way or another. Supers, chain combos, air combos(only on the jump in, but that lead up to the air combos), counter moves and dashing. To me, this is the best CAPCOM fighter to date, even though it's old, it's still great. Posted by qwijibo on 10:10:2001 08:04 AM: darkstalkers.....hmmmm Posted by Darklome on 10:11:2001 08:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by dredgulus Finally, someone with the same fews about this game as I. To me this game shows what CAPCOM has done right in the past. When asked about my favorite 2D fighters, this one is at the top of my list. Here is a Demitri combo: EX Bat Spin> EX Demon Cradle> EX Hell's Ride(pursuit) OR Ex Bat Spin> Midnight Pleasure> EX Hell's Ride (the whole combo doesn't register, but the damage is insane). What really makes me like this game is, everything that CAPCOM is doing now started in this game one way or another. Supers, chain combos, air combos(only on the jump in, but that lead up to the air combos), counter moves and dashing. To me, this is the best CAPCOM fighter to date, even though it's old, it's still great. word.... Posted by psx2000 on 10:11:2001 08:49 PM: I talked to james chen at b5 about it , he did tell me that he was working on a darkstalkers combo video i dont know the status on it. Posted by Darklome on 10:11:2001 08:57 PM: woah really??? that would be so awesome....!!!!!! Posted by DA GAME on 10:13:2001 02:12 AM: All the Darkstalkers 3 players are gathering around I see.Here's my favorite Demitri combo:In corner ES Chaos Flare,ES Bat Spin,ES Demon Cradle,ES Pursuit.Now that's damage for your ass Posted by Darklome on 10:15:2001 09:35 PM: hehehe...those are cool links guys...I was messin' around the other day and I was using Lei-Lei (Hsienko) I did her super that brings the sharp blades up...I need to see the instruction booklet but I'm typing this at school...anyways I did the super it did like six hits and then I connect it with her ES spinning pendulum move...which did like a couple more hits but what surprised me was the fact that it connected... I was like oh crap it connected...and another thing I found out about her was that after she does the spinning perdulum mover she can still do her reflective gong in the far as I know she is the only character that can do more than one move in the air...under the gudelines that it must be right after her spinning pendulum special move. Also like...what dark force do you use.... Dark Force Power or Dark Force Change? I just started using Dark Force Power and like in all my years of having Darkstalkers 3 this is the first time I'm using it...but man I had no idea about the possibilites with DFP...if you played as Demirtri his Midnight Pleasure lasts longer and his bat super the one where he materializes into a buncth of bats goes completely off screen which is completey bitchin' I wish I could right more but is school...gotta go All times are GMT. The time now is 10:08 PM. 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